Healing Sessions
Jin Shin Do® Acupressure - Spiritual Guidance - Massage Therapy - Energy Healing - Aroma Consult
HEALING SESSIONS take you on a journey into your body and unconscious mind to relieve deeper sources of pain and stress. They are completely customized and incorporate a wide variety of techniques. Whether you are experiencing anxiety, need help understanding your life or need pain relief, there is a technique to help you. Let me take you on a Journey into yourself... a Journey into your JOY!
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I have been a practicing massage therapist since 1995 and have learned over a dozen wonderful healing techniques in that time. I have chosen to specialize in Jin Shin Do® Acupressure and Spiritual Life Coaching because I have found them to be the most powerful tools for changing lives. I have over 20 years of experience empowering clients to find their inner smile and make choices that serve their highest good.
Live outside of NJ? I work remotely as well! We can do a call or video chat to get you the healing you need. |
"What a beautiful and transformative remote healing session I had with Jakki today! Jakki's peaceful energy and ability to be a good listener provided a strong and loving container that provided so much healing for me to release the reactive emotions that were blocking me from my higher self. Now I am feeling more like myself again, and able to step back and see things from a more spacious and lighter place. I feel more loving and compassionate, with so much more peace flowing in my heart and thoughts.
Thank you, Jakki!"- Kelly Michele Cotter |
You are SO GIFTED!!! From that remote healing session, I have relief for the first time in a month from the burning pain. I was bawling my eyes out a week ago from the pain! THANK YOU!!! - BG, Palm Beach, FL |
When I came to you I felt like i needed a really good massage and you asked me if you could do Jin Shin Do with me. It ended up being this amazing release for me, because I was going through stuff with my husband and I was overwhelmed. I let go of so much and you helped me to come to a realization and I ended up writing a letter to him, put it all out there and it was received well. It was a major step in our relationship! Thank you! - Deb, LBI, NJ |
Are you suffering from:
Stress is the #1 risk factor for disease. Cure it with life affirming healing techniques. Holistic healing works on the mind, body and spirit at the same time to relieve pain and stress. Free yourself of suffering now!
Pain and stress are signs of imbalance in the body. They may be a “normal” part of life, but there are limits to how far “normal” can go before it becomes disharmony and dis-ease. When you feel pain, that is your body’s way of telling you to “slow down,” “take it easy,” or “try something different.” It is your physical body’s reaction to the stress you are placing it under.
This stress can either be of a physical or emotional source. As every particle of our universe is made of energy that carries a meaureable vibration, so do our thoughts and feelings carry a vibration that can either raise or lower our physical body’s vibration and thus induce a relaxed or stressed state.
The power of the mind over the body has been well documented over the past 1000 years, and in recent years by Dr. Masaru Emoto in The Hidden Messages of Water. Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment with water whereby he showed that water from clear springs and water that had been exposed to loving words showed brilliant, complex and colorful snowflake patterns when frozen and viewed under the microscope, while polluted water or water exposed to negative words created incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. This is so significant for us since our bodies are at least 70% water. This documents the powerful effect the mind has on the body.
About Jakki:
In the holistic healing arts industry since 1995, Jakki Gioia is a Stress & Pain Management Specialist whose focus is on finding the source of pain. She holds a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts Degree in Dance from Towson University, a National Certification in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, a certification in Spiritual Life Coaching and is a Registered Jin Shin Do practitioner and Certified Aromatherapist. As an injured dancer and former owner of Body Logic Wellness Spa, Jakki has used her experience and knowledge of the body to teach others how to properly care for their bodies to alleviate stress and pain for over 20 years. Her self- help book: Follow the Signs, is also an extension of her healing work to guide the reader to discover more clarity for his/her life. Through classes, healing sessions and the aroma products, she strives to help others take a more proactive role in their spiritual, physical and emotional well-being.
Jakki has been trained in over a dozen healing methods. Sessions typically include a mixture of therapeutic massage, Jin Shin Do, Reiki, hot stone therapy, guided visualization and Spiritual Life Coaching. However, it may include at your request:
- Swedish, deep tissue and myofascial massage
- Chinese Massage (Tuina)
- Muscle Energy Technique (stretching)
- Russian sports massage
- Aromatherapy
- Reiki/ Chakra Balancing, Color healing
- Craniosacral
- Spiritual Coaching techniques
- Guided visualization/imagery, meditation
- Raindrop essential oil technique
- Movement re-education
- Alexander Technique
- Pre-Natal Massage
- Spa body treatments-Body wraps & scrubs
Benefits of Jin Shin Do® Acupressure:
"Acupressure" refers to any technique using finger pressure on "acupoints" to reduce stress and balance the body energy. It brings about pleasurable, deep relaxation and increased awareness of both body and psyche. Jin Shin Do® contrasts with acupuncture in the absence of needles, and because one individual is touched by another in a highly supportive way which evokes the feeling of being held, cradled and safe. It contrasts with Shiatsu in being a more slow & shy paced method and focusing more on deep release of muscular armoring.
What to expect from a Jin Shin Do® session
Jin Shin Do® sessions are typically done fully clothed and generally begin by asking what you wish to focus on. Once you lie on the table, your practitioner may proceed by doing Chinese pulse diagnosis to determine a plan for the session.
A session begins with holding points on the neck and shoulders to relieve tension in these areas and then other points along the body are held as the session progresses. The practitioner will bring your attention to the sensations and thoughts that may be coming up, encouraging you to notice whatever insights, images, feelings or senses that may arise. Discussion may arise regarding the sensations as these points are held. You may notice years of tension melting away as the stillness of this touch can bring up and release these old blocks of “qi”. As surface tensions release, you will be able to go to deeper levels of understanding of your inner landscape and as you become more aware, you then have the opportunity to make changes. Even small changes have significant impact on our lives. Many clients report relief of chronic pain, long term injuries, emotional distress, sleep disturbances, physical limitations and much more.
REIKI energy is the universal life force energy. As it is present all around us, it can be transmitted from one person to another like radio waves send music through the radio. As a Reiki Master and empathic healer, I can be present with what you are feeling in person or from a distance and direct healing energy to what you need by simply sitting with your picture or with you on the phone.
A typical session in person is 45 min-1 hr long and is very relaxing. Hands are placed on the body while you are fully clothed and they do not move around like a massage. The energy is transmitted very gently through the hands to the body. Remotely, a 20-30 minute session is typically enough to effect a change. Although seemingly short, these sessions can be quite powerful. It is advised that you sit quietly while the energy is being sent but it is not necessary to be on the phone. Spiritual guidance may also come through if you are present on the phone via speakerphone.
SPIRITUAL LIFE COUNSELING is a clinically proven method of counseling that helps people improve their lives through a series of processes and healing exercises that bring about permanent change. SESSIONS CAN BE DONE REMOTELY THROUGH PHONE OR VIDEO CHAT. Clients can expect to learn:
How to stop reliving recurrent patterns or mistakes
How master their own lives by becoming empowered through a process of self- realization
How to create healthy, spiritual relationships with their family, friends, spouse, children, etc.
How to relieve physical pain by clearing emotional blocks
How to manifest abundance.
How to unconditionally love and accept themselves.
People who can benefit from Life Coaching are those who are:
feeling sad or depressed
going through a period of change
unable to trust
unhappy with their lives
unhappy in their relationships
going through separation or divorce
looking to find a new career
suffering from chronic pain
fighting a debilitating disease
searching for meaning in their lives
victims of abuse/neglect
victims of traumatic events
afraid to be alone
having difficulty communicating their feelings
feeling lost and confused
trying to lose weight
tired of repeating the same patterns
interested in being a better parent
interested in making more money
interested in personal growth
SET UP A Complimentary 30 min phone consult. Click here
AROMATHERAPY is the use of essential oils to affect the autonomic nervous system. Pure oils from plants can bring about changes in the nervous system's response to stress, muscle tension, digestive and respiratory complaints, skin disorders and overall vitality. Personalized sessions allow healing to be individualized and can bring powerful healing. SESSIONS CAN BE DONE REMOTELY THROUGH PHONE OR VIDEO CHAT
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST) is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body's ability to self-correct, CranioSacral Therapy is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics.