The Holidays are Here!
What once was hustle and bustle is now rest and shop online. It's not a secret that things are different this year. How we approach this season can make the difference in feeling JOY this year or feeling sad and isolated. With so many experiencing loss, we have a unique opportunity to share our joys and successes with those less fortunate and lend a helping hand. As we give, so we also receive the satisfaction of helping others and seeing them smile. At the same time, when we are in need, now is a good time to reach out for help as it is the season of giving.
If there's one thing 2020 has taught us, it's the true beauty of connecting with others and what's really important in life. It's through this lens that our perspectives have changed forever to give us 2020 vision. :-)
So in the spirit of giving and healing, I offer these special packages to bring more PEACE, LOVE & JOY into your lives.. and this year, I am giving back. Order by Dec 14th and 10% of the order goes to Adopt-A Family charity or the Hearts of Mercy Program.
You can see more here to get involved: https://www.voadv.org/adoptafamily or https://hearts-of-mercy.org/donate/ Let's spread the love and PEACE!
God Bless and Happy Holidays!
SHOP HERE: https://dc-aroma.com/collections/holiday-collection