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acupoints, acupressure, baking, change, clear clutter, de-clutter, emotions, fall, grief, holiday season, letting go, lings, meridians, metal element, setting boundaries, skin, skin care, tension, wrapping gifts -

METAL is also related to CHANGE, just as the leaves change and fall. If you RESIST change, you may have more tension in your body and may experience headaches, neck discomfort and lower back pain. If there's one thing that we must get used to it's change. It is really the only constant in life.

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anxiety, calming, chinese medicine, earth, elements, emotional balancing, emotions, essential oils, essential oils for anxiety, essential oils for healing anxiety, how to help anxiety, relax, relax the mind, relieve restlessness, stop worry -

The ancient healing traditions of Chinese and Ayurveda proposed that the elements of nature were reflected in our inner being and physical conditions. They found we can treat our physical body when we understand how our emotions are tied to it. They found correlation of the muscles, digestion and worry to the Earth element, fear, water retention and bones to the Water element, joy, digestion and circulation to the fire element and letting go, elimination and breathing with the metal element. As we allow our truth to be clear, we can learn to find a way to balance what is unwell within us. Divine...

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angel, angel channeling, angel essence, angel messages, anti-viral essential oils, anxiety, calming, corona virus, covid19, de-clutter, depression, emotions, essential oils, essential oils for anxiety, essential oils for depression, essential oils for infections, essential oils for relaxation, essential oils for viruses, essential oils to boost immune system, essential oils use, flu, grounding, happy, healing, health, inspiration, letting go, life coaching, natural anti-viral, uplifting -

Here are some ideas for calming and uplifting to get you through this tough time, including a discount on our best selling products. New videos now posted to YouTube for inspiration and how to handle loneliness. Hang in there! we'll all get through this!


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