What's EARTH got to do with it? Inspiration, compassion & a gift of healing
Are You feeling it?
I don't know about you but I am feeling the shift in energy from summer to autumn. Leaves may not be falling here yet, but we are experiencing the change in weather and the harvest of late summer squash and Halloween is just around the corner.
I have been out of touch this summer, mostly because this is our busy season at the beach for summer travelers and healing sessions take up much of my time. And while working one-one with clients was my priority, I did take time to have fun this summer too. I hope you did too! 'Cause that's what summer is all about, right? It is the peak of the FIRE energy, a time to be social, energized, warm and passionate.
And though that season has come to an end and we have moved into late summer, by Chinese medicine theory we are in the peak of the element of EARTH- Harvest time! Time to reap what we sowed in the spring, that grew with the warmth of the summer sun. Time to til the soil and settle in to start relaxing and getting grounded for winter rest.
Earth time puts us in touch with emotions of sympathy, compassion and groundedness. When we experience worry and over-thinking, we deplete the earth element and the organs that accompany it- the stomach and spleen which are necessary for processing food into energy. This is the time to learn how to let go of worry and to relax the mind for the sake of allowing our food to nourish us. When we think too much, we block the body's ability to properly digest food because we are "digesting" information instead. This is why so many have digestive disorders like IBS, Acid reflux and ulcers. It is vital to be mindful of what you are "consuming", especially when we are bombarded with "disgusting" news every day and frustrating circumstances. We have to find a way to separate ourselves from outside circumstances and balance the negative with positive peaceful thoughts.
What can you do to relax more? What can you do to get more in your body and less in your head?
I personally have also noticed a type of emptying in my schedule opening to allow room for whatever I desire to be put on it. You may very well be feeling the same thing. As we approach the METAL element time of letting go and openness to new, you may be experiencing loss or an emptiness or a desire to empty your closet and donate to the needy. Don't be alarmed, this is completely normal. We are even in the energy of the full moon today which assists us with completions. So use this energy to get clear on what you want to put on your plate, something that nourishes you and gives you energy and frees you up for new exciting opportunities. YOU get to DECIDE what you are going to LET IN.
To assist you, I have chosen to offer a few special promotions and have a very special inspirational message for you.
You may have noticed the October promotion for Breast Cancer Awareness to promote compassion. Purchase product or schedule a healing session and 25% will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Shop at www.dc-aroma.com Check out the Earth Element products and our Satisfied formula
Would you like a dose of Inspiration? LISTEN TO THIS VERY SPECIAL NEW CHANNELED MESSAGE Listen and get a lift!