How far can your Stretch?
Happy Spring!
How do we energize the WOOD energy with Spring and how do essential oils help with that?
As the energy of spring takes hold, a lot is happening here.
The last month has been a whirlwind of activity, going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. Life challenges us that way to see how far we can stretch and bend before we break. It also pushes us to see our potential and creates confidence when we realize what we are capable of doing. That is the energy of WOOD right in time for the season of Spring! How we meet our challenges is up to us.
At the end of March I was stretched to give a friend a heartwarming ceremony for her wedding, a task I never took on before. But since I have been ordained a minister through the Universal Life Church, I thought I would do my best for her. After 2 weeks of preparation, the ceremony went beautifully, set on the beach in St. Pete, FL, and I added one more service listing to my 'bag of tricks.' Check out this video to see a snippet of the ceremony. https://youtu.be/ra-EYmP6vVo
She also had asked me to sing an original song for her which I had begun writing at least 6 months before and so, after many years of concealing my talent, I performed my song live for her and her family. It was a huge success and rewarded me with the sense of pride and accomplishment that also comes when the WOOD energy is in balance. Check out the video of the song here. https://youtu.be/K39jEM_q9_I
And then, after riding this high, I came home to a very sad situation. My dog Buddy had taken a turn for the worse. He was diagnosed with bone cancer in October, but due to pain meds and daily Reiki he was able to live happily since. It became obvious that his time had come to an end. So 1 day after coming home I laid him to rest. His presence in my life had taught me so much and he was like a child to me for 12 years so letting him go has been one of the hardest things I've had to do.
You may have had the opportunity to meet Buddy in our travels and he would want you to know that he loved you and wants you to find joy above all in all things you do.
He was the picture of the WOOD element- stubborn, persistent, patient, pushed through challenges, asked for what he wanted, and loved his walks. In his passing, I have come to use the LOVE oil to help with grief, the HAPPY to remind me what else I love about life and the SPLENDOR to support me in my purpose of helping others get closer to Heaven on Earth. You may like to check out the video on the WOOD element on the Wood Element webpage. It goes approx 15 min. Buddy is in it too!
If you are grieving, seeking motivation, pushing through challenges, needing to feel re-energized, needing to feel loved or needing more calming of your heart, please enjoy this coupon to experience the WOOD oils at 20% OFF
use coupon code WOOD2017 at checkout.
If you feel the need to talk out your problems to get more stress relief tips or clarity on how to improve your circumstances, please enjoy this special of 20% OFF a coaching session when you mention this post. Call 410-399-9737
Thanks for reading and don't forget to be NICE to YOURSELF!