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water, winter -

WINTER is a time to retreat and "treat" ourselves With icy cold blasts of air, snow filled skies and puddles forming icy ponds, it makes me think of the purpose of the season. Winter is a time to reflect and rest. It is important to slow down during this time so we can replenish energy we expend throughout the year to increase our energy stores for spring growth.WATER is the element associated with Winter. WATER is life-giving, as nothing can live without it, and thus its presence is related to our energy levels and level of Kidney "Jing" (life force energy). Accessing our vital energy happens by...

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bronchitis, cold, cough, flu, inflammation, nasal, pain, sinus infection, stuffy nose -

Spotlight on: Med-Essence Blends (Autumn Special) Heal colds naturally with these blends and simple homegrown remedies I haven't been to a primary care doctor for an ailment in years. That doesn't mean I haven't been sick. I've gotten a cold at least once/year. But, the last time I went to the Dr. was when my husband and I came down with sinus infections together at least 5 years ago. I had never experienced so much pain in my sinuses ever before. He diagnosed us both with sinus infections and wrote a prescription. He took the meds, I did not. I treated mine with...

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2014, autumn, Coupon, Metal -

This season's special is centered around the Metal Element. Autumn is the season when the Metal Element is at its peak. Metal is all about attachments: knowing what to hold onto and what to let go of. Learning what is beneficial and what does not serve us. This is a time of change as the trees go dormant and conserve their energy by allowing the leaves to drop. It is a time of taking in nutrients and letting go of that which does not serve. Just as nature has its cycles, so do we. Our bodies naturally begin to build...

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