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What's EARTH got to do with it? Inspiration, compassion & a gift of healing
Earth time puts us in touch with emotions of sympathy, compassion and groundedness. When we experience worry and over-thinking, we deplete the earth element and the organs that accompany it- the stomach and spleen which are necessary for processing food into energy. This is the time to learn how to let go of worry and to relax the mind for the sake of allowing our food to nourish us.
Autumn.. the time of change..letting go and holding on..and SOUP!
Are you feeling it?... the energies of change that the season of autumn brings In the spirit of change and warming your heart, I have begun a new video series. The first of these new videos is now available for viewing on my You Tube channel. It is a segment called Inspiration Soup.
Remember to take care of YOU during the holiday rush. Try this
Tis the season to spread some love, but remember there needs to be time for you as well so you have something to give! If you are experiencing stress from too many demands on your time, too many people wanting your attention, too many responsibilities facing you each day, take a minute (just a minute) to breathe deep and
Openness, one-ness and 5th dimensional reality and Jakki sings Focus on Love
We are evolving into a 5th dimensional reality that demands authenticity and transparency, honesty and integrity. LOVE is the basis of this new reality, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.. Perhaps you are willing to move toward love. This requires openness, an attribute of the Metal Element. Watch this short video to see how our essential oils can help you relax and let go more and trust that it will all be ok.
Are you an Empath?
Are feeling each others' pain more recently? You may be an empath. Please watch this short video to understand what that means for you. Then check out Jakki Gioia's clearing and protection video. click here
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